INNOVALIA Group is a global strategic group of technology-focused firms – established in the year 2000 – rooted in digital technologies and advanced manufacturing – aimed at the digitalisation of industry. The group assembles different skills, capabilities, facilities, infrastructures and resources – consolidating the operations of 14 companies and developing multi-disciplinary teams to deliver a diversity of services and products – adapted to the specific needs of public and private clients – modelled on open innovation principles.
Research & Development
INNOVALIA R&D is driven by Innovalia Association – a private research foundation with 25+ years of experience in technology-based product and service innovation and cutting–edge, market orientated industrial R&D research & innovation / project management focused on: digital manufacturing / advanced manufacturing solutions, cloud computing, cyber physical production systems, digital platforms, industrial data innovation, data analytics and embedded software.
CARSA is an innovation management consultancy – providing strategic advisory, consultancy services and technical assistance to private and public clients on digital transformation, technology, R&D and innovation management, access to finance, internationalisation and policy development support – mobilising a mix of engineers, researchers, lawyers, economists and thematic experts.
Innovalia Metrology – integrating the products and services of Trimek, Datapixel and Unimetrik – offers best-in-class digital / 3D virtual metrology solutions enabling our customers to achieve high levels of productivity, quality and efficiency in manufacturing processes.

Innovalia Group